It's no secret that the world that we are all living in calls for more innovative solutions combined with greater consequential thinking and a mature lens for tackling the biggest questions of our time. Where we have failed to demonstrate such capacity we too often find an emotional adolescence in the drivers seat. In the past 4 decades of our fast-paced evolution as people, businesses and governments we have insufficiently integrated the presenting challenges.
It is in the unlikely arena of the quantum sciences that we find a map (without the scientific density) that offers us a way to integrate those gaps in discovery and so transform our consciousness effectively.
The map shows us that when we know how to effectively integrate our mental obstacles (IQ) along with their emotional partner (EQ) we increase our quotient of wholeness or coherence (CQ). THE HIGH CQ MODEL. Greater wholeness from a high IQ and EQ gives us an increasingly high CQ where we have access to innovative, solution saturated levels vision and thinking. We open the door to where ideas are formulated and a greater resourcefulness is engaged. The zone of the NOW with its corresponding high performance threshold is expanded and held.
For over 30 years Yvonne Evans and Personal Corporate Global Consciousness has worked with international businesses and leaders to evolve the IQ EQ and CQ of performance in the personal and in the collective culture of the organization. The High CQ Model is offered to transform the vision, the executive and the culture of the corporate entity. It is offered to government bodies and international leadership.
Yvonne Evans Certified Practitioner Neuro Linguistics 1993
Certified Practitioner Clinical Hypnosis Australia
Founder & Creator High Coherence Quotient Model 1996
Developer of THE HIGH CQ MODEL
(High Coherence Quotient Model IQ + EQ = CQ)
"There is a new lens for our times. The old leadership models, culture, change & transformational frameworks are obsolete. We are in a paradigm shift that we cannot turn back from. The only effective choice is to evolve our consciousness; to become the next version of who we could be. We need innovation, depth of perspective and a corresponding new vision for this ever-changing environment.
This is the task of new leadership."
+ 778 788 5595